HK passenger journeys: MTR Airport Express by month


This page shows the number of passenger journeys and distance covered for a vehicle class, from Jan-2013 onwards, using data from the Transport Department. Choose from simple or detailed classes. For trains, cars are passenger carriages but car kilometres are train kilometres. So you need to multiply km/car/day by the number of cars per train. MTR fleet data exclude cross-border trains.  Yearly data show monthly average capacity and vehicles. The latest available month is 2024-02. Click on the month to see all types for the month.

Vehicle class

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Month Journeys Per day Licensed vehicles Vehicle capacity Car Km Km/
2024-02 973,446 33,567 77 7,700 230,466 103.2 435.9
2024-01 1,158,006 37,355 77 7,700 247,363 103.6 485.1
2023-12 1,155,080 37,261 77 7,700 246,454 103.2 483.9
2023-11 1,004,956 33,499 77 7,700 238,626 103.3 435.0
2023-10 1,072,373 34,593 77 7,700 243,761 102.1 449.3
2023-09 1,005,175 33,506 77 7,700 233,945 101.3 435.1
2023-08 1,039,977 33,548 77 7,700 246,632 103.3 435.7
2023-07 1,000,383 32,270 77 7,700 237,649 99.6 419.1
2023-06 850,306 28,344 77 7,700 175,357 75.9 368.1
2023-05 875,697 28,248 77 7,700 175,215 73.4 366.9
2023-04 873,183 29,106 77 7,700 165,570 71.7 378.0
2023-03 762,960 24,612 77 7,700 171,038 71.7 319.6
2023-02 589,110 21,040 77 7,700 154,084 71.5 273.2
2023-01 614,246 19,814 77 7,700 171,804 72.0 257.3
2022-12 541,762 17,476 77 7,700 169,297 70.9 227.0
2022-11 450,721 15,024 77 7,700 164,097 71.0 195.1
2022-10 361,299 11,655 77 7,700 167,765 70.3 151.4
2022-09 293,862 9,795 77 7,700 161,708 70.0 127.2
2022-08 277,780 8,961 77 7,700 167,830 70.3 116.4
2022-07 213,144 6,876 77 7,700 102,883 43.1 89.3
2022-06 194,569 6,486 77 7,700 100,458 43.5 84.2
2022-05 182,392 5,884 77 7,700 102,894 43.1 76.4
2022-04 155,393 5,180 77 7,700 98,752 42.7 67.3
2022-03 135,656 4,376 77 7,700 103,417 43.3 56.8
2022-02 119,865 4,281 77 7,700 92,289 42.8 55.6
2022-01 175,270 5,654 77 7,700 109,580 45.9 73.4
2021-12 228,223 7,362 77 7,700 143,274 60.0 95.6
2021-11 177,852 5,928 77 7,700 101,015 43.7 77.0
2021-10 185,917 5,997 77 7,700 108,605 45.5 77.9
2021-09 196,899 6,563 77 7,700 101,920 44.1 85.2
2021-08 209,250 6,750 77 7,700 109,545 45.9 87.7
2021-07 183,419 5,917 77 7,700 103,417 43.3 76.8
2021-06 171,565 5,719 77 7,700 100,353 43.4 74.3
2021-05 163,850 5,285 77 7,700 102,859 43.1 68.6
2021-04 155,536 5,185 77 7,700 99,379 43.0 67.3
2021-03 178,271 5,751 77 7,700 104,531 43.8 74.7
2021-02 143,793 5,135 77 7,700 92,869 43.1 66.7
2021-01 155,823 5,027 77 7,700 102,859 43.1 65.3
2020-12 159,337 5,140 77 7,700 103,974 43.6 66.8
2020-11 170,813 5,694 77 7,700 100,458 43.5 73.9
2020-10 174,192 5,619 77 7,700 101,571 42.6 73.0
2020-09 179,390 5,980 77 7,700 101,015 43.7 77.7
2020-08 147,940 4,772 77 7,700 102,594 43.0 62.0
2020-07 166,731 5,378 77 7,700 103,892 43.5 69.8
2020-06 177,026 5,901 77 7,700 100,458 43.5 76.6
2020-05 155,894 5,029 77 7,700 102,859 43.1 65.3
2020-04 133,894 4,463 77 7,700 118,008 51.1 58.0
2020-03 258,791 8,348 77 7,700 169,436 71.0 108.4
2020-02 374,416 12,911 77 7,700 227,762 102.0 167.7
2020-01 971,979 31,354 77 7,700 246,844 103.4 407.2
2019-12 1,074,651 34,666 77 7,700 247,145 103.5 450.2
2019-11 991,849 33,062 77 7,700 235,712 102.0 429.4
2019-10 916,157 29,553 77 7,700 239,892 100.5 383.8
2019-09 1,035,059 34,502 77 7,700 233,771 101.2 448.1
2019-08 1,293,710 41,733 77 7,700 228,200 95.6 542.0
2019-07 1,458,090 47,035 77 7,700 247,095 103.5 610.8
2019-06 1,444,188 48,140 77 7,700 238,272 103.1 625.2
2019-05 1,442,936 46,546 77 7,700 246,389 103.2 604.5
2019-04 1,621,249 54,042 77 7,700 239,807 103.8 701.8
2019-03 1,645,452 53,079 77 7,700 245,350 102.8 689.3
2019-02 1,329,271 47,474 77 7,700 223,311 103.6 616.5
2019-01 1,510,930 48,740 77 7,700 246,458 103.3 633.0
2018-12 1,634,404 52,723 77 7,700 247,122 103.5 684.7
2018-11 1,599,993 53,333 77 7,700 239,321 103.6 692.6
2018-10 1,621,452 52,305 77 7,700 247,294 103.6 679.3
2018-09 1,492,221 49,741 77 7,700 231,765 100.3 646.0
2018-08 1,438,736 46,411 77 7,700 246,211 103.1 602.7
2018-07 1,425,001 45,968 77 7,700 246,424 103.2 597.0
2018-06 1,451,920 48,397 77 7,700 238,729 103.3 628.5
2018-05 1,355,077 43,712 77 7,700 246,389 103.2 567.7
2018-04 1,554,322 51,811 77 7,700 238,451 103.2 672.9
2018-03 1,518,216 48,975 77 7,700 247,269 103.6 636.0
2018-02 1,216,140 43,434 77 7,700 223,414 103.6 564.1
2018-01 1,402,469 45,241 77 7,700 246,389 103.2 587.5
2017-12 1,513,483 48,822 77 7,700 247,227 103.6 634.1
2017-11 1,402,998 46,767 77 7,700 238,338 103.2 607.4
2017-10 1,563,242 50,427 77 7,700 246,562 103.3 654.9
2017-09 1,409,079 46,969 77 7,700 238,730 103.3 610.0
2017-08 1,408,859 45,447 77 7,700 242,412 101.6 590.2
2017-07 1,317,480 42,499 77 7,700 246,110 103.1 551.9
2017-06 1,323,308 44,110 77 7,700 238,412 103.2 572.9
2017-05 1,321,868 42,641 77 7,700 246,528 103.3 553.8
2017-04 1,453,926 48,464 77 7,700 239,429 103.6 629.4
2017-03 1,368,274 44,138 77 7,700 246,598 103.3 573.2
2017-02 1,194,286 42,653 77 7,700 222,645 103.3 553.9
2017-01 1,344,665 43,376 77 7,700 247,260 103.6 563.3
2016-12 1,461,229 47,136 77 7,700 247,226 103.6 612.2
2016-11 1,321,104 44,037 77 7,700 238,277 103.2 571.9
2016-10 1,437,775 46,380 77 7,700 244,609 102.5 602.3
2016-09 1,386,360 46,212 77 7,700 238,729 103.3 600.2
2016-08 1,336,509 43,113 77 7,700 245,478 102.8 559.9
2016-07 1,396,406 45,045 77 7,700 246,493 103.3 585.0
2016-06 1,313,233 43,774 77 7,700 238,521 103.3 568.5
2016-05 1,260,291 40,655 77 7,700 246,250 103.2 528.0
2016-04 1,375,571 45,852 77 7,700 238,764 103.4 595.5
2016-03 1,354,874 43,706 77 7,700 247,257 103.6 567.6
2016-02 1,158,202 39,938 77 7,700 231,352 103.6 518.7
2016-01 1,331,810 42,962 77 7,700 246,562 103.3 557.9
2015-12 1,459,342 47,076 77 7,700 247,193 103.6 611.4
2015-11 1,308,020 43,601 77 7,700 238,346 103.2 566.2
2015-10 1,397,553 45,082 77 7,700 245,940 103.0 585.5
2015-09 1,324,202 44,140 77 7,700 238,958 103.4 573.2
2015-08 1,335,573 43,083 77 7,700 246,191 103.1 559.5
2015-07 1,308,965 42,225 77 7,700 246,259 103.2 548.4
2015-06 1,281,335 42,711 77 7,700 238,692 103.3 554.7
2015-05 1,218,430 39,304 77 7,700 246,496 103.3 510.4
2015-04 1,348,704 44,957 77 7,700 239,394 103.6 583.9
2015-03 1,370,819 44,220 77 7,700 247,500 103.7 574.3
2015-02 1,102,604 39,379 77 7,700 223,133 103.5 511.4
2015-01 1,269,711 40,958 77 7,700 247,143 103.5 531.9
2014-12 1,381,970 44,580 77 7,700 247,610 103.7 579.0
2014-11 1,270,434 42,348 77 7,700 238,660 103.3 550.0
2014-10 1,376,420 44,401 77 7,700 246,424 103.2 576.6
2014-09 1,299,216 43,307 77 7,700 238,970 103.5 562.4
2014-08 1,236,373 39,883 77 7,700 246,215 103.1 518.0
2014-07 1,176,887 37,964 77 7,700 246,109 103.1 493.0
2014-06 1,221,255 40,709 77 7,700 238,625 103.3 528.7
2014-05 1,146,312 36,978 77 7,700 246,248 103.2 480.2
2014-04 1,265,236 42,175 77 7,700 238,813 103.4 547.7
2014-03 1,288,325 41,559 77 7,700 246,702 103.4 539.7
2014-02 1,044,168 37,292 77 7,700 222,714 103.3 484.3
2014-01 1,173,990 37,871 77 7,700 246,961 103.5 491.8
2013-12 1,266,654 40,860 77 7,700 247,019 103.5 530.6
2013-11 1,201,069 40,036 77 7,700 238,520 103.3 519.9
2013-10 1,247,614 40,246 77 7,700 246,319 103.2 522.7
2013-09 1,183,874 39,462 77 7,700 237,916 103.0 512.5
2013-08 1,193,727 38,507 77 7,700 246,562 103.3 500.1
2013-07 1,161,818 37,478 77 7,700 246,214 103.1 486.7
2013-06 1,079,534 35,984 77 7,700 238,268 103.1 467.3
2013-05 1,083,549 34,953 77 7,700 246,459 103.3 453.9
2013-04 1,132,849 37,762 77 7,700 238,486 103.2 490.4
2013-03 1,145,913 36,965 77 7,700 246,784 103.4 480.1
2013-02 932,392 33,300 77 7,700 223,275 103.6 432.5
2013-01 1,035,941 33,417 77 7,700 246,145 103.1 434.0

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