Saturday 1st February 2020

Dear Reader,

Pop quiz: what killed an estimated 33,800 Americans in 1968-1969? No, it was't the North Vietnamese Army. It was the Hong Kong Flu (Influenza-A H3N2), a pandemic which killed an estimated 1 million people worldwide.

Carrie Lam risks international travel ban on HK residents
Once again Mrs Lam is putting "One Country" ahead of "Two Systems". By keeping a porous border while imposing an unprecedented lockdown within HK, we risk an escalation of confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV and a consequent inclusion in the entry bans now imposed by Singapore and USA which other countries are likely to follow. Mrs Lam, stand up for Hong Kong. (1-Feb-2020)

Getting to 601: How Beijing controls the HK Chief Executive election
Carrie Lam continues to peddle the lie that the Chief Executive Election Committee is "broadly representative", often unchallenged by foreign media. We explain exactly how it is rigged, and how with enough political courage, she could unrig it and introduce democracy through local legislation, without Beijing's approval. (28-Jan-2020)

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David M. Webb